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Pascal Lieleg - Skate Photographer Interview

Interview with Pascal Lieleg, Photographer. | by Sebastião Belfort Cerqueira

The man behind Official Bowlshit is one cool dude. Read on if you want to know the origins of the mysterious tribe of the SkateoFaris, the secret reason why people start skating transition, how to successfully mix beer with skating, and lots of other fun bowlshit.

As one of the most active photographers in the Trucks and Fins community, there’s quite a few things I’d like to ask you. However, first of all, I was looking online and I was trying to figure out if you were a professional photographer, I mean, do you do photography for a living?

Mmm... I don’t like to use that term. It’s hard to tell when that point comes when you’re a professional. Is it just because you earn money from it? I feel all the time like I have to learn a lot of things when it comes to photography, I’m not finished yet. I wouldn’t call myself a professional, just very ambitious. Plus, I don’t like the pressure. You know, when someone says “oh a professional photographer is coming”... I’m just hoping I can make them happy with my images, but you never know. Sometimes people like them, sometimes they don’t, photography as a lot to do with taste. So, yeah, I do it, but my normal profession is as creative art director for a hotel brand. In my semi-professional way I try to get better at photography and earn some money while I’m at it. One day I hope I can say I make a living from it. That would be the dream.

Because I saw you have a whole different side to your photography, outside of skateboarding, like shooting real models and for brands like Adidas and some others...

Yeah, I’d say it’s all about context. I do a lot of running and so I came to Adidas because they have a running group here in Hamburg and that’s how I got the connection, cause they said “hey, we need a photographer”. It’s always like that, that’s why I got to work for Men’s Health and Adidas and sometimes for other big brands.

It’s always cool to be at the right place at the right time. But let’s get into skateboarding – I always like to ask people when and where did they start.

I guess I was 12. Yeah. Now I'm 33, so I was 12, I was in school. One of my classmates had a board. We were at this school for the whole day, it was like nine hours and then you went home. And the school had great conditions, like big sports facilities, and we also had a little skatepark. It was one rail and two quarter pipes and the bank, that's it. But at least we had something back in the day. And, yeah, we shared this guy’s board because he was the only one who had one.

I was so addicted from the first moment that I was wishing I could also get one. And then I got one for Christmas. Yeah. For Christmas, I got a complete. And it was not the typical first board you get when you tell your parents you want to start skateboarding. They’ll usually go to a big Walmart or something and buy a board. But my parents went to a good skate shop and bought me a really good board. So that was quite cool.

Since then I had just a few breaks from skateboarding. In my hometown we didn’t have a skatepark, not a real skatepark, we had some quarters. But the city was always trying to put these quarters where we wouldn’t annoy other people, so it was hard for us, it would be like in some industrial parking lot somewhere. Until eventually this guy that was involved in looking out for the youth of the city decided to organize the community and we got our first real ramps and an official park.

How old were you then?

I guess I was 16 or 17. But before that sometimes we had the chance to go to this big skate hall. That’s one good thing about the area, a forty minute drive would take us to one of the biggest skate halls in Germany. It’s really huge, with 3,200 square meters of skate area. At first, when I was just starting, it was a pretty shitty park, they’d build ramps on pallets and everything was really DIY... but it had a lot of character. But then they got some support from the city and from some big companies and they started improving the ramps until it became a really good park. Nowadays it's called Playground Skatehall.

One good thing about it was that, when they were starting, they had miniramps with different sizes, they had huge transition and a half-pipe. Now they have completely re-done the park about four times, I think it’s in its fourth version, but the cool thing is that they still kept some of those first features and my favourite one was the bowl. We didn’t have one in my hometown and so I was always eager to skate it when I went there. And the funny thing is none of the locals ever seemed interested in skating it, most of the times I’d be the only one in the bowl.

Yeah, I didn’t have any type of transition around when I started skating, it was just street. So nowadays when I go to a skatepark I just suck at it.

It's really funny. I love both. I also do some street stuff. But the main reason why I chose transition was I just had to drop in. Because, back in the day, I was pushing mongo. I wanted to hide it, and when I dropped in nobody saw that I pushed mongo. So I have the theory that most of the halfpipe and bowl skaters are secretely mongo pushers, that's the reason why they start. Mongo pushers are also good at fakie. But, yeah, actually it was just two or three years ago I decided I’d teach myself how to push normal. It was a hard pressure to put on myself but I kept at it and now, even though I’m not as fast as I am pushing mongo, at least it doesn’t look as stupid as in the beginning.

It’s really tough. Especially when you’re older and you only have those precious moments to go skate and you know you can have so much fun doing it the way you’re used to. It’s a hard decision. But anyway, I wanted to talk about something else. More than once, when you sent us pictures of skateparks for Trucks and Fins you also sent us little articles about them that were really cool. It’s more than just information about the park, it helps us get an idea of its environment, the people who go there, and so on. Do you have any more of those planned?

Yeah, unfortunately some of the parks are closed, and that’s kind of annoying. But when I send you any stuff I always try to ask myself what I would find interesting when I go to a park. And for me it's always the people who are in the park and, like, trying to get to know a little bit the community surrounding it. Because... I don't know, maybe it’s the same everywhere, but at least here in Germany every skatepark in every town is like a community thing. It's not just that some mayor of the city said “Oh, I want to have a skatepark.” It's never like that. It's just the community.

In Jever, the town where I grew up, which is famous for its super bitter beer, when we first got our shitty ramps, we formed a group, we called ourselves the SkateoFaris, and we took care of the place. The city let us have a space where we could have the ramps and we wanted to make our little park grow. The city didn’t want to spend money on it so we had to earn it ourselves. We gave skate lessons to kids, we did demos whenever there was a public celebration in town and asked for donations, we sold SkateoFari t-shirts, we invested everything back into the skatepark, and that’s how it grew. And nowadays... it's really, really funny... The skate group still exists 12 years after we founded it. And they, the actual members of that group have no idea who it was that founded all that. They know Joshua Dings but they don't know me and Kevin Kellermann. They still call themselves SkateoFaris, but they have no idea about the history behind their crew. That's pretty funny.

It’s a great story. Sometimes we hear about a community getting together in order to convince the local authorities that the town needs a skatepark, but it’s not everyday that people actually take it upon themselves to make money and invest it into their town’s skatepark. It’s pretty inspiring. Moving on, and since you mentioned beer, I really liked your “Beerics” video. I thought it really had some production values to it, and the rhythm is really well-managed. I wanted to ask you, did you shoot it and direct it all by yourself?

Yeah! People have asked me that question a couple of times but, yeah, it was all very spontaneous. Tom [Tieste], the skater, has been working for some time as a trainee in this small brewery in Bremen, learning how to make beer. One day he asked his bosses if he could skate the brewery, you know, along the different parts of the process. It was quite funny, because he knows I do some video stuff and he told me about the idea and asked if I could be there to shoot two or three days later. I asked him how long he thought it would take to shoot and he said maybe one and a half to two hours. I have to say he was well organized, he had a good plan. But it was only when I got there that he told me exactly what his plan was and I was like... “ok... fuck.”

I had to think about a lot of things. And I guess in the end we were there for four and a half or five hours. Which was okay, yeah. It was okay. But in my head I was always like “you have to remember when he comes from the left side where he goes to, so then the next cut he must come from this side...” Because otherwise you get confused, you know, when he comes from one side and next scene he’s coming from the wrong direction... I had that in mind all the time so the pressure was really high. Yeah, I'm still a little bit proud of that one.

Well, you should be, because it looks like something that was made for a big skate brand by two or three photographers or filmers. Speaking of that, are you planning on doing more youtube stuff in the future?

How should I put it... yes, I do plan to do more of that stuff. But in the end it's always the time. I love to edit a video but I hate it at the same time because it takes ages. For me the hardest part is to find the beginning and to find a way in which I would like to tell the story. When you have the raw material, you have a lot of options. I want to entertain the viewer and to find my style, but in video editing I don't feel like I've found it yet. I experiment a lot and I try to use new techniques or to adapt stuff I see on skate videos. But there's a lot of things I have to learn. That said, I want to do some artsy stuff, but it's hard to do artsy stuff that everybody understands. I want it to be artsy, but understandable at the same time.

But actually I am working on some things right now. Last year I went to the DIY Sintra spot with Joshua [Dings] and I want to edit some video of that trip, I’d like to do it like a travel movie, because I took a lot of photos and I’d like to combine them with the video. Plus he also did some hard tricks there, he did a darkslide, we also have this one with another guy, Chris, who showed up at the spot and was a very good skater. Josh did a blunt to fakie on the quarter while Chris did a backside alley-oop wallride over him. I can’t wait to show that to people.

Can’t wait to see it. Now, we’ve recently prepared a short interview we do to every new photographer who joins Trucks and Fins, but since you were onboard before that, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions that we put on there. The first one is more of a request: choose a photo you took that you really like and tell us why.

Ok, I have this one I really love. The thing is, when you see it too small, like on instagram, you can’t feel the image. You need to look at a big version in order to understand what’s going on. This circle is like a full-pipe, it’s an art object made by this artist called Karolina Halatek. It’s seven metres long, I guess, and it's five metres high and the surface, the inner surface is completely like a led stripe. It’s a plastic full-pipe and it’s completely lit up. It had been standing outside the art museum in Bremen for some weeks and it was completely unprotected, there was no security, I had seen people riding bikes through it. So I went there at night with a couple of friends from Bremen, Louis and Gino, and I asked them if they could do a double. I wanted them completely on the sides and I shot it straight from the front because I wanted the image to be as confusing as possible. It looks flat but then the skaters are not on the same plane. I left a little step that was in front of the sculpture just barely perceptible, but otherwise there are no clues, it’s completely dark. I thought when I dropped it on instagram every skate magazine would be like “What? What is this?”, but it never happened... [laughs]

I’m sure it’s because there are not many magazines anymore and they must all be pretty busy. Anyhow, I’d seen that picture on your Trucks and Fins profile page and always thought it was really strange. It makes sense that it’s an art installation, you don’t just find that kind of stuff out there in the wild.

Yeah, and you know what’s funny: I really liked the installation so I found Karolina Halatek on instagram and sent her the picture. I thought it was a good picture of her work. But she was really pissed, she was commenting on the post like if she was shouting “NO SKATING ALLOWED!” and I had to say “sorry, we didn’t know, there was no security, nothing...” And then what’s even better is that the Bremen museum organized a competition of the best photos taken at the installation and mine was considered one of the top ones. I also have another good one there where Louis is doing an ollie into it and it looks like he is falling into nothing, like that big wide hole is taking him. The only thing is that his ollie is not that perfect. That's why the shot is not that special but the idea is nice.

Sounds cool. Now let me ask you another one from our short quiz: if you could choose a combo to shoot, like any skater doing any trick in any spot in the world, what would your dream combo be?

Ooh, that’s a good one... It’s really hard... but there’s this new guy that no one had heard about until Thrasher put his part out, this super sick bowl skater, John Worthington.

I know, I think he’s on Creature now.

Watching his part I was like “what the hell?” I’d love to see him destroy our local bowl in Bremen. There are these really hard stairs, like in this tight pocket, it took me months to be able to get around them, I was super stoked. I actually met one of my best skate buddies there once. He’d come from Stuttgart and he had a to-do list – he wanted to do all the stairs in all the bowls he could find in Germany. He’d saved Bremen for last and it took him one hour of straight tries. He told me those had been the hardest he’d ever done, and he’s definitely more talented than me. But anyway, I’d love to see Worthington hit those stairs, he’s so skilled at doing hard transition and shallow ends that I imagine he could probably do a backside or frontside air over that pocket. I’d love to take a photo of that.

I see you really know your bowlshit...

You know, it’s a funny thing, there’s a cool side to not using my real name in my work as a skate photographer. First I can go to the skatepark incognito, people may know Bowlshit but they don’t know that I’m the guy who’s taking all the photos. Some people think Bowlshit is a company, I’ve gotten messages and emails wishing me and all my team the best of luck and stuff like that. It’s funny. You see, when I started doing photography in college I naturally started shooting skating, because that way I could go skating and still get work done for my courses. In my group of friends there was this Swiss guy who used “bullshit” a lot. Anytime he was pissed off he’d say everything was bullshit. Only with his accent it sounded like “bowlshit” and I just thought that was the perfect name for my photography projects. Then we had to build a website for another course and design a logo and I just made everything look like it’s a brand. It’s like one big joke. I can act like I’m this big company. Newspapers that have used my photos ask me for the copyright and I tell them the copyright is “bowlshit”. Having an official newspaper write that the copyright is “bowlshit” is just funny as hell.

It’s a great joke. Before we wrap this up, is there anything you’d like to add? Any new stuff in the works?

Yeah, there’s one thing I’m starting right now... it was planned for last year but because of the whole corona thing it got postponed... maybe for October or November of this year, anyway, I’m working on a photo book. I’m choosing the best photos from the past four or five years of skate photography and putting them in a book. I’ll probably try to do it through crowd funding or like a pre-sale. Just do one run, for the people who let me know they want it, and when it’s done, it’s done, no second edition.

Sounds like a good idea. Be sure to let us know when you get that pre-sale going, we’ll help spread the word.

By Sebastião Belfort Cerqueira

How Troubl3 Keeps Making Trouble with Skateboards

June 29 2022 - Interview with Troubl3  “I always have been a troublemaker”. If Andrew, 41, had to pitch his idea, this could be a good punchline. It’s one of those cases where a business’s name is not just marketing, but a character’s extension. "So, Troubl3 is giving the middle finger to a lot of skate shops that do not support local people." Andrew (Owner Troubl3)   VISIT WEBSITE TROUBL3 is a Canadian skateboard shop based in Otawa. It was born in 2018 from the desire to go against the flow. “Skateboarding industry has become a mass production machine. Everything comes from China or Mexico, where people are not paid right. I buy something for one hundred dollars that really costs ten dollars”, he claims. “Then I thought: if I’m going to be a troublemaker, I might do something different. If I’m making a board it’s got to be unique like any skater is. I’m going to make one by one; it’s going to be tougher, it’s going to last more, every single board is going to be different. When you buy, it’s not just a board, it’s a piece of art and an experience”, he adds. This is something “one hundred percent customized”, from size, shape, wheels base, and a “seven veneer deck”. He proudly details: “Each veneer that goes into each deck is hand picked.” He buys local (wood from Quebec, for instance) in small batches, presses, shapes and hand paints the decks himself also, when he can, he promotes local artists to draw on the skateboards. “So, Troubl3 is giving the middle finger to a lot of skate shops that do not support local people who make stuff. They say they are local, but do not buy local”, Andrew reenforces, protesting against the rules of the game. “I always compare skateboards with pizza. I love pizza: a large one costs 50 bucks, the same you pay for a skateboard sometimes. Those skateboards are made overseas, they cost nothing to make, the price of pizza is gone to double, but the price of skateboards stayed the same for 30 years." “I evoke Paul Schmitt’s case all the time: a big name in this industry who shifted his business from California to Tijuana because people want to keep the price of a skateboard at 50 of 60 dollars for eternity. So, to keep his business going and pay his people, he had to move”, Andrew says.   He likes to be different. “Being marginalized is something good in skateboarding”. Although he admits the way he runs business is not sustainable: “The breakeven would be making 250 skateboards a month. Right now, I have had a month when I made four or five, others one or two.” It doesn’t matter. He believes this is the way. And he gives a discount if people really ride them and not just hang his skateboards on the wall. Authenticity is his brand, like the style he prefers for riders: “I like to see the most unorthodox skater. Do you do treflips? Fantastic, so can any other kid. I don’t care, throw your board against the wall, flip it on your head, do a back flip, do something I want to see. It’s different, do skateboarding and not do what others do.” “There’s a kid in Indonesia I started to follow who's skateboarding reminds me of a young Christian Hosoi. When I see the kid skate I can recognize Christian Hosoi’s influence. Can you recognize the inventors of other tricks you see people do at the park?”, he asks. Andrew sponsors five “troublemakers”: Eric Martin (Ontario), Dustin Lawrence (Ontario), Connor Callan aka Meat Feet (Arizona), Luis Uribe (Texas), Shinichi Nichiyama (Japan). He enjoys watching them and supports them the way he can. About his local skateparks, Andrew recommends: Bob MacQuarrie skatepark in Otawa Joel Gauthier skatepark in Rockland Local bus stop where where it's super smooth and is perfect for slappies, now that people stopped using busses, due to Covid, it's always empty and available.

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São Pedro do Sul skatepark tour in Portugal

Park nr 36 on our mission to skate every skatepark in Portugal is São Pedro do Sul Skatepark near Viseu.First of all I would like to say thanks to Wasteland skateparks and Gochill for supporting our latest roadtrip on our mission to film/skate every skatepark in Portugal. This time we decided to head up north and visit six skateparks build by the Portuguese builders Wasteland skateparks. Our first stop? São Pedro do Sul, a charming municipality nestled in the Central Portuguese district of Viseu, boasting a population of 5,728 inhabitants. Stretching across 14 picturesque parishes within an expansive 350 km² area, São Pedro do Sul is a part of the enchanting territory known as Montanhas Mágicas. While the region is renowned for its therapeutic thermal baths, it holds another treasure—a skatepark waiting to be explored. The skatepark in São Pedro do Sul is also definitely worth a visit. It's a fun park to cruise around and learn some new tricks. The mellow snake run provides different heights, so basically it's the perfect training ground to unlock new transition tricks that you've got on your bucket list of tricks. Looking for a place to stay check out the Pousadas de Juventude de Portugal in São Pedro do Sul. We really enjoyed our stay here and definitely recommend this pousada. The hotel is located in the middle of the historic center and everything is walking distance. Too bad we only stayed one night, because we could definitely chill here for a couple of days.

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Exploring the Thriving Scene and Best Skateparks of San Francisco

Skateboarding in San Francisco: Exploring the Thriving Scene and Best Skateparks Nestled amid the hills, neighborhoods, and iconic landmarks of San Francisco is a vibrant and dynamic skateboarding scene. From the bustling streets of downtown to the tranquil parks overlooking the bay, the city offers endless opportunities for riders to explore, express themselves, and push the boundaries of their craft. San Francisco's unique topography, with its steep hills, winding streets, and iconic architecture, provides an exciting playground for skateboarders of all levels. Whether it's weaving through traffic in the Financial District, navigating the twists and turns of Lombard Street, or carving down the slopes of Twin Peaks, skaters are constantly inspired by the city's diverse landscapes. But beyond the streets, San Francisco boasts an impressive array of skateparks that cater to riders seeking more structured environments to hone their skills. Here are some of the best skateparks the city has to offerSOMA West SkateparkNestled in the vibrant neighborhood of SoMa (South of Market) in San Francisco lies a hidden gem cherished by skateboarders: the SoMa West Skatepark. This iconic spot, located under a bridge overpass, isn't just a place to ride, but a symbol of the city's rich skateboarding culture and the resilience of its community. Crocker Amazon SkateparkTucked away in the Excelsior District, Crocker Amazon Skatepark offers a diverse range of obstacles, including a large bowl, street course, and flow section. With its spacious layout and smooth concrete surfaces, it's a favorite among skaters of all ages. Potrero Del Sol SkateparkPotrero Skatepark, a testament to the dynamic fusion of urban culture and architectural innovation, stands proudly as a vibrant oasis within the bustling cityscape. Crafted by the visionary artisans of Dreamland skateparks, this concrete playground embodies the essence of skateboarding ethos – freedom, creativity, and community. Potrero skatepark, nestled within the heart of Potrero del Sol Park, is a concrete park featuring a large bowl and an open-bowl with built in street elements. Waller Street DIY SkateparkFor those craving a more grassroots experience, Waller Street DIY Skatepark offers a raw and rugged setting where skaters have transformed an abandoned lot into a thriving community space. With its handmade ramps and obstacles, it's a testament to the DIY ethos of skateboarding culture. Treasure Island SkateparkLocated on the former naval base of Treasure Island, this expansive skatepark boasts stunning views of the San Francisco skyline and the Bay Bridge. With its wide variety of features and spacious layout, it's a popular destination for riders from across the city.United Nations skate plazaThe revitalization of the 150,000-square-foot United Nations Plaza in San Francisco in 2023 marked a significant turning point for this area, with a multimillion-dollar renovation project aimed at breathing new life into the space. An extensive facelift introduced a range of amenities, including fitness equipment, ping-pong tables, and cornhole, alongside the centrepiece addition of a brand-new skate park. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a curious newcomer, San Francisco offers something for every skateboarder. From the thrill of riding the city's iconic streets to the camaraderie of its vibrant skatepark community, the City by the Bay is a mecca for riders seeking adventure, inspiration, and endless possibilities.Visit skatepark map.

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Exploring the Vibrant History of Linda Vista Skatepark in San Diego

Welcome to Linda Vista Skatepark, a cultural landmark buzzing with energy.Nestled within the sun-soaked streets of San Diego lies a 34000 foot haven for skateboarders—a place where creativity, friendship, and adrenaline intertwine to form the beating heart of the local skate scene. Join us as we delve into the captivating tale of this iconic destination, from its humble beginnings to its status as a cornerstone of the San Diego skateboarding community. Construction and InceptionAs the landscape of skateboarding has evolved, so too has Linda Vista Skatepark. In 2013, a group of concerned citizens began a signature campaign to build a skateboard park in the community and this marked the beginning of the Friends of the Linda Vista Skateboard Park. With the help of skaters, skateboard professionals, and the community the design of the park was approved. The construction began August 2016 with the grand opening on January 16, 2018. The park underwent a major renovation, adding new features and amenities to accommodate the ever-changing needs of the skating community. The renovation of the park was done by Site Design Group and California skateparks. Today, Linda Vista boasts a diverse array of obstacles and terrain, from classic street elements to expansive bowls and transitions, ensuring that there's something for everyone to enjoy.The Skateparkproject, founded by professional skateboarder Tony Hawk, provided about $40,000 in “seed money” to get the project off the ground. Most of the funding came from a $4.6-million grant the state Department of Housing and Community Development awarded the city in 2014 to construct skateparks in Linda Vista and City Heights. A Hub of ActivityFrom the moment its gates swung open, Linda Vista Skatepark quickly established itself as a hub of activity and creativity. Skaters from all walks of life flocked to its ramps, bowls, and ledges, eager to test their skills and connect with fellow riders. What emerged was a vibrant community united by a shared passion for skateboarding—a community that continues to thrive to this day. Events and CelebrationsOver the years, Linda Vista Skatepark has played host to a myriad of events and gatherings that showcase the best of San Diego's skate culture. From amateur contests and demos to film premieres and art installations, the park buzzes with activity year-round. Notable skaters and industry insiders often grace its ramps, lending their support and inspiration to the next generation of riders.Linda Vista CommunityAt its core, Linda Vista Skatepark is more than just a place to skate—it's a tight-knit community bonded by a love for the sport. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a first-time rider, you'll find a welcoming atmosphere and a supportive network of fellow skaters eager to cheer you on and share their passion. From impromptu jam sessions to casual hangouts, the park buzzes with a sense of camaraderie that's truly infectious.As we reflect on the storied history of Linda Vista Skatepark, one thing becomes abundantly clear: its impact extends far beyond its concrete confines. Linda Vista has been a home away from home—a place to push boundaries, forge friendships, and find solace in the simple joy of riding. As the sun sets on another day of shredding, we can't help but feel grateful for the vibrant community that calls Linda Vista Skatepark home. Here's to many more years of laughter, learning, and endless stoke.Visit Linda Vista skatepark

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Find Skateparks Near Me: searching for skateparks has never been easier

Are you tired of scouring the internet trying to find the perfect skatepark near you? Searching for new spots to shred with your friends? Look no further! At Trucks and Fins, we've revolutionized the way skaters find their next epic session. With our innovative skatepark map, aptly named Trucks and Fins, it's easier than ever to locate the nearest skateparks and pumptracks to you. Gone are the days of endless Google searches and dead-end leads. Our website boasts a comprehensive database of over 20,000 parks waiting to be explored, ensuring that no matter where you are, adventure is just around the corner. But Trucks and Fins isn't just your run-of-the-mill map. It's a dynamic platform designed by skaters, for skaters. Our user-friendly interface allows you to quickly and effortlessly pinpoint the best spots to catch some air and grind to your heart's content. Simply click on "my location" icon, and within seconds, you'll be presented with a plethora of options to choose from. But wait, there's more! We understand that skateboarding is about more than just finding a place to ride—it's about finding your tribe and embracing the spirit of adventure. That's why Trucks and Fins goes beyond mere location listings. Our platform allows users to add photos, reviews, and even new skateparks to the map, fostering a vibrant community of skaters eager to share their passion and discoveries with others. And let's not forget about the importance of finding your "Animal Chin." Whether it's the thrill of conquering a new trick, the joy of skating with your crew, or the satisfaction of discovering that dream terrain, Trucks and Fins has all the ingredients to fuel your stoke. With our extensive collection of the best skate destinations in one place, you'll never be short of inspiration or excitement. So why wait? Embark on your next skatepark adventure today with Trucks and Fins. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, our map of stoke is sure to ignite your passion for skateboarding and unleash your inner shredder. Don't let the opportunity pass you by—join the Trucks and Fins community and let the skatepark hunting begin!Visit skatepark map

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Carving Through Time: The History of Mount Hawke Skatepark

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Cornwall, England, Mount Hawke Skatepark stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of skateboarding culture. From its humble beginnings as a DIY skate spot to its evolution into a world-class facility, Mount Hawke has played a pivotal role in shaping the local skate scene and leaving an indelible mark on the global skateboarding community. The Early Years: From DIY to Destination In the late 1980s, a group of dedicated skateboarders in Cornwall sought to create a space where they could ride, connect, and express themselves freely. Armed with little more than passion and determination, they transformed an abandoned swimming pool into a makeshift skate spot, laying the foundation for what would become Mount Hawke Skatepark. Community Spirit and Innovation As word of the DIY skate spot spread, skaters from across Cornwall flocked to Mount Hawke, drawn by its unique terrain and welcoming atmosphere. Inspired by the creativity and camaraderie of the local skate scene, the founders of Mount Hawke began to expand and improve the facility, adding new obstacles and features to accommodate the growing demand. The Rise of Mount Hawke Skatepark By the early 2000s, Mount Hawke had evolved into a full-fledged skatepark, complete with a diverse array of ramps, bowls, and street obstacles. Its reputation as a premier skateboarding destination continued to grow, attracting riders from across the UK and beyond who were eager to test their skills on its legendary terrain. A Hub for Progression and Community Mount Hawke Skatepark quickly became more than just a place to skate—it became a hub for progression, creativity, and community. Today Mount Hawke is Cornwall's largest indoor skatepark, set in a 24000 square ft (2229 square meters), purpose built warehouse, with everything you could ever want to skate under one roof. The biggest part of the current skatepark was designed and built by FourOneFour skateparks in 2016. In 2017 the bowl was installed after being donated by Ramp City skatepark. An outdoor concrete plaza was built by Maverick skateparks in 2020. Riders of all ages and skill levels came together to push the boundaries of what was possible on a skateboard, sharing tricks, tips, and stories as they honed their craft. The Legacy Continues Today, Mount Hawke Skatepark remains a beloved fixture of the Cornish skate scene, beloved not only for its world-class facilities but also for the sense of belonging and camaraderie it fosters. From hosting local contests and events to providing support for up-and-coming riders, Mount Hawke continues to play an integral role in shaping the future of skateboarding in Cornwall and beyond. Conclusion As we reflect on the history of Mount Hawke Skatepark, we are reminded of the power of passion, creativity, and community to transform a simple idea into something truly extraordinary. From its humble origins as a DIY skate spot to its status as a world-class facility, Mount Hawke stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of skateboarding and the boundless possibilities that arise when people come together in pursuit of their passions.Visit Mount Hawke Skatepark on skate map.

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