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How has the Rayssa Leal phenomenon changed the image of skateboarding in Brazilian society?

How has the Rayssa Leal phenomenon changed the image of skateboarding in Brazilian society? Well, let's start off with this... In 2022 there are more girls than boys in skateboarding schools in Brazil.

Don't miss the second part of this conversation with Marcos Hiroshi, former Brazilian professional rider, where we tried to understand how Brazil turned into a massive player in the world of skateboarding.

How do you explain the evolution of skateboarding in Brazil?

We had ups and downs, but at one time skateboarding started to appear frequently on TV and city halls all around Brazil started investing in skateparks. We had this mayor in São Paulo who started building a skatepark in each community youth Centre (places with schools, specialized courses and sports equipment, including, of course, skateparks). In São Paulo around thirty skateparks were build and the city became a reference in skateboarding. Most of these skateparks were built in the city’s outskirts, in poorer neighborhoods and many good riders came out of those initial skateparks.

Mainstream media helped, too…

Indeed. It was when the X-Games appeared. Suddenly, skateboarding was on TV all the time and we had our ace, Bob Burnquist, who became a true ambassador. Many others came afterwards: Sandro Dias, Rodrigo TX, Tiago Lemos, Luan Oliveira and the most recent of all, Rayssa Leal, who at the age of thirteen years old won the silver medal in the Olympics.

Photos credit: Julio Detefon / CBSk

What was the impact caused by Rayssa Leal in Brazil?

A tremendous impact. Every child wants to ride now. Parents are being pressured by their kids to put them in skateboarding schools. The Olympics showed that a little girl can ride and have fun like if she was in a playground. I can even tell you more. In Brazil now, we have more girls than boys in skateboarding schools!

Photos credit: Julio Detefon / CBSk

You have accumulated a lot of experience in skateboarding events in Brazil…

Yes, we acquired a lot knowledge in the last two decades. The CBSK (Brazilian Skate Confederation) exists for twenty years and has many skillful people. We have associations, federations, statutes, projects connected to schools, you name it. They are also many social associations that take kids from streets through skateboarding. All this know-how resulted in big events and we have created a whole group of specialized people along the way.

The image of skateboarding in Brazil has changed…

For sure. It became mainstream and less marginalized. Several years ago, parents didn't want their kids to skate. And a girl? Never! But now that all changed overnight. The general public now understands something about skateboarding because the Olympics and all the Brazilian "skateboarding" idols. Now we have public money allocated to skateboarding, to prepare the Olympics, because skateboarding is an official sport. This money is also used to build more skateparks. The CBSK has an agreement with local and central government to act like an official advisor with skatepark builders to prevent bad constructions.

Photos credit: Julio Detefon / CBSk

How many skateboarders do you have in Brazil?

A search made in 2015 by Data Folha (data platform from newspaper Folha de São Paulo) concluded they were about 8,5 million skateboarders in Brazil, but I can say for sure that we have now more than ten million, after the Olympics in Tokyo.

Instagram Marcos Hiroshi See all skateparks in Brazil

By Manu Silva

Rogério Venâncio - The beauty of reproducing simplicity

Through the Lens of Skateboarding: Rogério Venâncio on Photography, Culture, and the PUSH Skate FestivalHe had a master from whom he bought an old camera. Pedro Raimundo, photographer and director of the skate magazine Surge, is his inspiration, but the rest of the journey was his own. Rogério Venâncio, owner of 4Culture shop in Leiria, Portugal, talks about what he loves most about the art and the importance of an event like the PUSH Skate Festival. Skater Ivan MeloSkater João TeixeiraWhat drove you to become a photographer? I’ve always loved photography, especially the photos in skate magazines like Surge, which have dazzled me since I was a boy. I met Pedro Raimundo (director of Surge magazine), who is an inspiration to me. Years later, I bought an old camera from him, and that’s when I finally started taking pictures on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the camera didn’t come with instructions from Pedro [he laughs], so I had to ask him for advice. Skater João LourençoWhat’s the best part about skateboarding photography? It’s about capturing simplicity. We don’t need a great trick to get a great photo - we just need to understand skateboarding because it’s like predicting what’s going to happen next. Knowing the skater also helps a lot; sometimes, just rolling around allows us to capture a really nice picture. Skater João LourençoWhat’s your opinion about the PUSH Skate Festival in Portugal? I’m excited, of course, because it will be held in my city, Leiria. It’s great for all the kids to realize that skateboarding isn’t just about tricks - it’s much more than that. It’s about culture and the many people involved in it. This is a massive initiative because it will bring together people from North to South, and since it’s not a competition, it will be a great opportunity to talk about skateboarding and have fun with people we relate to.Skater Tomás LopesSkater Pedro NevesCheck out Rogério Venâncio on Instagram

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Adrian Matei: Capturing Skateboarding One Frame at a Time

From Skater to Photographer – How a Passion for Skateboarding Turned into a Mission to Build Memories “This is all about building memories” From Rio Maior, here’s Adrian Matei, 25 years old. He was born in Romania but moved to Portugal at the age of 8, which is precisely when he started to skate. As a professional photographer, capturing the most vibrant tricks is what drives him to go out every weekend for the past seven years in search of the best shots. When and how did you become a skate photographer? I’ve been skating since I came to Portugal from Romania when I was 8 years old. I started photographing about seven years ago, using my mother’s camera. What began as a hobby became more serious, although my main job is as an event photographer. I’m also a videographer because I can do both, but if you ask me what I prefer, I’d say photography. Capturing the right moment is all about building memories. Skater Wartilom GomesHow do you showcase your work, and who are your inspirations? I use Instagram and Facebook to promote my work. I’ve always tried to build my style based on my inspirations, the big names whose photos were published in skate magazines. Street skating is what I love to photograph the most. Sure, we go to skateparks to catch special tricks, but the streets offer the diversity I need to explore my point of view and capture the best vibe. Am I more of a photographer than a skater? Yes, for sure. Skater Ricardo FonsecaWhat are your thoughts on the PUSH Skate Festival? I think it’s awesome. It’s something new in Portugal. I’ve been following skateboarding for a long time, and I’ve never seen an event with this level of organization, fully dedicated to celebrating skateboarding culture. Thank you for that.Skater Ruben CarlosSkater Wartilom GomesVisit Adrian Matei on instagram.

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PUSH Skate Festival: The Final Schedule is Here! Get Ready for an Epic Week in Leiria!

BREAKING NEWS! We now have the final schedule for the PUSH Skate Festival, which will take place in Leiria from February 17 to 22. For the eager and skate culture enthusiasts, the doors will open two days earlier with an exhibition celebrating 40 years of skateboarding in Leiria. This will be the kickoff to an action-packed week! Mark your calendars, everyone is welcome! PUSH Leiria - Program February15 to 28 – Exhibition “40 Years of Skateboarding in Leiria” Location: Artur Manuel dos Santos Auditorium – Mercado Santana Cultural Center February 17 to 21 – Free Skateboarding Lessons – National Skate Associations in partnership with Leiria Schools Location: Schools in the Municipality of Leiria February 21 Location: Mercado Santana Cultural Center 18:00 – 20:30 – Exhibition of projects and works from various national skate associations20:30 – 21:30 – Screening of the best national skateboarding videos of 2024 21:30 – DJ Tista – Gasoline Barreiro February 22 Location: Mercado Santana Cultural Center 10:00 – 18:00 – Skate Association Exhibitions Location: Mercado Santana/Fonte Luminosa 10:00 – 11:00 -  Photography Workshop – Pedro Raimundo 11:00 – 12:00 - Video Workshop – Emidio Silva 12:00 – 14:00 - Lunch Break Location: Miguel Franco Theater Skate Talks – Moderator: Maycon Douglas 14:00 – The Importance of Skate Associations for Local Communities (Allboard Association – Setúbal | Santo André Skate Plaza – Vila Nova de Sto André | Couto Park – Couto – Barcelos) 15:00 – The Role of Media in the National Skate Scene (Pedro Raimundo – Surge Magazine | Emidio Silva – Ementa SB | Tiago Batista – Skate Snake Zine) 16:00 – Skateboarding as a Profession (João Neto – Despomar | José Sousa – Screw | Nuno Gaia – Kate Skateshop)17:30 – Skate Session at Fonte Luminosa Dinner Break 21:00 – Premiere and presentation of a documentary on skatepark construction22:00 – Awards Ceremony 22:30 – Concerts at Mercado Santana (Overcrooks – Estoril | Manferior – Leiria | Alien Squad – Leiria)

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Hugo Cruz: Capturing Skateboarding Through the Lens of Passion

Through the Lens: How Hugo Cruz Stays Connected to Skateboarding “When I take a picture, it’s like I’m one of them” At the age of 46, the body doesn’t let him do all the tricks he wishes he could. So, what’s the best way to stay connected? By taking pictures and displaying his talent, something he started doing eight years ago. Hugo Cruz has crafted his own style, recognized by his peers, and works with some key players in Portuguese skateboarding. Here’s Hugo Cruz, from Póvoa de Varzim. Skater Filipe CruzSkater Victor SimonWhen did you become a skate photographer? About eight years ago. I wish I’d had this spark earlier. Cameras were always present in my family, especially with my uncles and cousins. My father also had one, but it was the ‘father’s camera - do not touch it.’ Until one day, I picked up an old camera, went out to the street, and started shooting. I liked the outcome, and my family’s feedback was good too. From that point on, I started to create my own style. I don’t have an academic background, I’m self-taught, learning through trial and error. Skater Duarte ZellerSkater Sergio FernandesIs skateboarding the only thing you take pictures of? I only use my camera when I go out for a skateboarding session. Besides, I’m 46, and my bones aren’t the same as when I was younger, so photography is a way to stay connected. I can’t stand watching a three-hour skateboarding session without doing anything. Taking pictures means being involved - their tricks are my tricks. It’s like I’m one of them; I’m part of the process. When I come home and look at the photos, it brings me enormous joy. I work for the Portuguese national skate magazine Surge, and I do some projects for distributors and brands. I’m also doing some product photography at my home studio. Skater ZedoSkater Pacal TeixeiraWhat do you think about the PUSH Skate Festival?It’s a great initiative. It’s nice to have a neutral entity that can bring people together from all over the place. Portugal isn’t a small country when it comes to the skateboarding scene, it’s very difficult to unite different communities. I’ve experienced this firsthand when trying to create a local event, there are always incompatibilities. This will be an opportunity to exchange ideas and celebrate something we all love.Skater Rafaela CostaCheck out Hugo Cruz on instagram

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From Fashion to Skate: Fernando Paz’s Unexpected Journey in Portugal

A professional photographer’s love for skateboarding, the Portuguese scene, and his vision for a global skate photographers’ association. “I would like to create a skate photographers’ association” Life is full of surprises, especially for people like Fernando Paz, aka Adarle, a professional photographer who works mostly in the fashion industry but has been passionate about skateboarding since he was 15 years old. Portugal came into the picture when he was searching for a place to live in Europe, tired of the “American mentality.” Without realizing it, the house he rented was very close to one of the major skateparks in the country - pure destiny, and a starting point for a new activity. A love, not a job. Skater Mika GermondSkater Dabadie Théo How long have you been in Portugal, and what brought you here? I was born in Mexico and lived in New York for 16 years, but I got tired of the ‘American mentality.’ Living in Europe was something I’d wanted for a long time, not just for myself but also for my son. Portugal was one of our choices, along with Spain, Italy, France, and Denmark. But when we arrived here for the first time, it was like love at first sight. I found friendly people and, most importantly, a large community of skaters, which helped me develop my skate photography portfolio. I’m almost 50, and I can’t skate all the time, but I love how I’ve been integrated into the community. That’s why I take far more pictures of skaters now than I did when I was living in New York. My main income still comes from working as a fashion photographer and art director for some American companies. Skater João AllenSkater Alex FurtadoWhat do you like most about the Portuguese skate scene? Well, first, I should say I was lucky because I found a place to live in Estoril without knowing there was a skatepark or any skate facilities nearby. Fortunately, I’m close to Parque das Gerações Skatepark. When I went there for the first time, I met a lot of great people who introduced me to others. “This is the capital of skateboarding,” I thought. Publishing my work in magazines like Surge and others in Europe happened naturally. Creating a skate photographers’ association is something I’d like to do in the near future - something worldwide, but maybe starting in Portugal. Making a living solely from skate photography? Far from it. But if it ever turned into a real job, I’m afraid it would lose its magic. Skater Dabadie Théo Skater Mika GermondSkater Alex FurtadoWhat do you think about the PUSH festival?This may sound bizarre, but being recognized as the best photographer or as the person who took the best photo isn’t something I’m comfortable with because it all depends on so many circumstances. For example, a photo session feels different if a videographer is there too because the skater will behave differently. This isn’t a one-man job. But I admit, of course, that this festival is a great opportunity to showcase the work of many people and to celebrate those who are often anonymous but very important to this industry. I believe it will inspire others to become skate photographers and videographers.Skater Gabriel RibeiroSkater Yurii KorotunCheck out Fernando Paz on Instagram

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The Unsung Heroes Behind the World's Best Skatepark Map

Documenting the world’s skateparks, one spot at a timeEvery great project is built on the dedication and passion of its people. Today, I want to dedicate this article to the real pillars of TrucksandFins—the skatepark hunters—the people who have made this project what it is. These legends deserve way more recognition than I’ve given them so far, and it’s about time I change that. TrucksandFins has become the world’s most complete and detailed skatepark database. People from all over the world use our site to find parks because we have the best skatepark content out there. Every one of the 22,000 skateparks in our directory is mapped out with specific details, allowing users to filter parks by obstacles, making it the most advanced and useful skatepark finder in existence. The feedback I get from users is clear—this is the Wikipedia of Skateparks. And what’s crazy? This entire project has been built in my free time, with my own savings, and with the help of people who believe in this wild mission—to visit and document every skatepark in the world. Five years later, alongside our top 10 best skatepark hunters, we have physically visited and documented 2,051 skateparks. That means with just 10 people, we have covered 9.3‰ of all skateparks in the world. That’s an insane number! Meet the Legends: The Top Skatepark Hunters 🛹 Jaime Soto – A fresh recruit, but already making waves. In the last six months alone, Jaime has documented 40 skateparks, focusing on Idaho and parks he visits on his travels. Parks visited 🛹 Pascal Lieleg (aka Bowlshit) – A professional photographer from Hamburg, covering Germany and skateparks worldwide. Thanks to Pascal, we’ve checked 88 parks off our list. Parks visited🛹 William Montgomery – Holding down California while also documenting parks worldwide, William and his dad have personally contributed 101 parks (0.46% of the global total). Parks visited🛹 Martin Bommeli – Representing Switzerland, Martin has visited and documented 386 skateparks (1.76% of the world’s total). Absolute legend! Parks visited🛹 Patrick Peeters – The master of Belgium, The Netherlands, and the UK, Patrick has added photos to an incredible 448 skateparks, accounting for 2.04% of the world’s parks. Hats off, sir! Parks visited🛹 Haroun Cherif (Founder of TrucksandFins) – Leading from the front, I have personally visited and documented 888 skateparks (mainly in Portugal, Spain and France), which is 4% of the world’s skateparks. This mission has consumed my life, and I couldn’t have done it without the incredible support of our community. Without all the other hunters I would have given up ages ago, but I just kept going because I feel that I owe everybody who has helped me out. This project has to stay online. Parks visited These are just the top contributors, but there are so many more people out there helping with photos and data. If you’ve ever sent in photos or updates—you rock. You make me believe that this crazy dream of visiting and photographing every skatepark in the world is actually possible. The most mind-blowing part? None of these legends have ever been paid a penny. They do it because they believe in the mission—to create the best skatepark map in the world. So, to every skatepark hunter, contributor, and supporter—thank you. You are making history, and together, we are building something that will last forever. Cheers to all of you! 🛹🔥

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